I’m in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. I have written a detailed report of my trip over, which I will post as soon as I can. For some reason, my pc is being blocked from all sorts of sites and has reduced functionality. The country is very sensitive, which may be coincidental
In summary,
1, the whole sea trip took 49 hours, 25 actually at sea, the rest waiting in the car in scorching heat.
2, the cargo ship was a definitely basic experience in a shared cabin - not for the precious!
3, the ship was a rusting hulk which had been almost soaked in diesel so all was very pongy and sticky.
4, on arrival, my visa was due to start the next day so they could have sent me back on the ship, deported. But they did their best and got me in. It just took many hours, basting in the car.
5, I was the only non truck vehicle on the trip. Turkish truck drivers looked fierce but were really supportive. I was a novelty!
6, Turkish drivers had never tried ‘Irelish Kafé before - stupendous reactions!
7, I saw my first camels in the desert trip to the capital - 2 dozen or more wild ones.
8, At 1am this morning, it was 35 degrees. Today, in Ashgabat, it reached 40 deg.
9, Strange city.